Hi @helpers@forum.friendi.ca! Trying to get Friendica installed and working on one of my domains but having some issues with the s3_storage addon and Cloudflare R2.
Has anyone successfully been able to get the #Friendica #s3_storage #addon to work with #Cloudflare #r2 buckets?
This is what I've got in my local.config.php
'storage' => [
'name' => 's3',
'bucket' => 'friendica',
'region' => 'wnam',
'endpoint' => 'https://[REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com',
'credentials' => [
'key' => '[REDACTED]',
'secret' => '[REDACTED]',
'options' => [
'use_path_style_endpoint' => true,
'S3_PERMISSION' => 'private',
But when I load the Storage settings page under Admin -> Configuration -> Storage, I just get a blank page.If I forego the config file approach and add the settings under the Addon Configuration page, I just get an "Access Denied" message.
The bucket for this domain is set up identically to the other buckets I use for Sharkey. Public Access for the URL is enabled, and I'm using a freshly created Access Key & Secret that have access to the R2 bucket for this domain.
Any thoughts or help would be appreciated!
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George Ellenburg (he/him/his)
Als Antwort auf George Ellenburg (he/him/his) • • •s3fs
... mehr anzeigengme@Mint-Desktop:~$ s3fs burque-social ${HOME}/s3fs -o passwd_file=${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs -o dbglevel=info -f -o curldbg -o url=https://[REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com/ -o use_path_request_style 2025-02-15T16:52:50.680Z [INF] s3fs version 1.93(unknown) : s3fs -o passwd_file=/home/gme/.passwd-s3fs -o dbglevel=info -f -o curldbg -o url=https://[REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com/ -o use_path_request_style burque-social /home/gme/s3fs 2025-02-15T16:52:50.680Z [CRT] s3fs_logger.cpp:LowSetLogLevel(239): change debug level from [CRT] to [INF] 2025-02-15T16:52:50.680Z [INF] s3fs.cpp:set_mountpoint_attribute(4563): PROC(uid=1000, gid=1000) - MountPoint(uid=1000, gid=1000, mode=40775) 2025-02-15T16:52:50.681Z [INF] curl.cpp:InitMimeType(431): Loaded mime information from /etc/mime.types 2025-02-15T16:52:50.681Z [INF] fdcache_stat.cpp:CheckCacheFileStatTopDir(78): The path to cache top dir is empty, thus not
Now I'm debating if I shouldn't just set upgme@Mint-Desktop:~$ s3fs burque-social ${HOME}/s3fs -o passwd_file=${HOME}/.passwd-s3fs -o dbglevel=info -f -o curldbg -o url=https://[REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com/ -o use_path_request_style 2025-02-15T16:52:50.680Z [INF] s3fs version 1.93(unknown) : s3fs -o passwd_file=/home/gme/.passwd-s3fs -o dbglevel=info -f -o curldbg -o url=https://[REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com/ -o use_path_request_style burque-social /home/gme/s3fs 2025-02-15T16:52:50.680Z [CRT] s3fs_logger.cpp:LowSetLogLevel(239): change debug level from [CRT] to [INF] 2025-02-15T16:52:50.680Z [INF] s3fs.cpp:set_mountpoint_attribute(4563): PROC(uid=1000, gid=1000) - MountPoint(uid=1000, gid=1000, mode=40775) 2025-02-15T16:52:50.681Z [INF] curl.cpp:InitMimeType(431): Loaded mime information from /etc/mime.types 2025-02-15T16:52:50.681Z [INF] fdcache_stat.cpp:CheckCacheFileStatTopDir(78): The path to cache top dir is empty, thus not need to check permission. 2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF] s3fs.cpp:s3fs_init(4287): init v1.93(commit:unknown) with GnuTLS(gcrypt), credential-library(built-in) 2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF] s3fs.cpp:s3fs_check_service(4431): check services. 2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF] curl.cpp:CheckBucket(3673): check a bucket path(/). 2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF] curl_util.cpp:prepare_url(257): URL is https://[REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com/burque-social/ 2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF] curl_util.cpp:prepare_url(290): URL changed is https://[REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com/burque-social/ 2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF] curl.cpp:insertV4Headers(2892): computing signature [GET] [/] [] [] 2025-02-15T16:52:50.683Z [INF] curl_util.cpp:url_to_host(334): url is https://[REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com
on my web server. 😔George Ellenburg (he/him/his)
Als Antwort auf George Ellenburg (he/him/his) • • •
... mehr anzeigen2025-02-15T16:52:50.876Z [CURL DBG] * Host [REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com:443 was resolved. 2025-02-15T16:52:50.876Z [CURL DBG] * IPv6: 2a06:98c1:58::12e, 2606:4700:7::12e 2025-02-15T16:52:50.876Z [CURL DBG] * IPv4:, 2025-02-15T16:52:50.876Z [CURL DBG] * Trying 2025-02-15T16:52:50.902Z [CURL DBG] * Connected to [REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com ( port 443 2025-02-15T16:52:50.927Z [CURL DBG] * found 441 certificates in /etc/ssl/certs 2025-02-15T16:52:50.927Z [CURL DBG] * GnuTLS ciphers: NORMAL:-ARCFOUR-128:-CTYPE-ALL:+CTYPE-X509:-VERS-SSL3.0 2025-02-15T16:52:50.960Z [CURL DBG] * SSL connection using TLS1.3 / ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 2025-02-15T16:52:50.961Z [CURL DBG] * server certificate verification OK 2025-02-15T16:52:50.961Z [CURL DBG] * server certificate status verification SKIPPED 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] * common name: r2.cloudflarestorage.com (matched) 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] * server certificate expiration date OK 2025-02-15T1
2025-02-15T16:52:50.876Z [CURL DBG] * Host [REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com:443 was resolved. 2025-02-15T16:52:50.876Z [CURL DBG] * IPv6: 2a06:98c1:58::12e, 2606:4700:7::12e 2025-02-15T16:52:50.876Z [CURL DBG] * IPv4:, 2025-02-15T16:52:50.876Z [CURL DBG] * Trying 2025-02-15T16:52:50.902Z [CURL DBG] * Connected to [REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com ( port 443 2025-02-15T16:52:50.927Z [CURL DBG] * found 441 certificates in /etc/ssl/certs 2025-02-15T16:52:50.927Z [CURL DBG] * GnuTLS ciphers: NORMAL:-ARCFOUR-128:-CTYPE-ALL:+CTYPE-X509:-VERS-SSL3.0 2025-02-15T16:52:50.960Z [CURL DBG] * SSL connection using TLS1.3 / ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 2025-02-15T16:52:50.961Z [CURL DBG] * server certificate verification OK 2025-02-15T16:52:50.961Z [CURL DBG] * server certificate status verification SKIPPED 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] * common name: r2.cloudflarestorage.com (matched) 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] * server certificate expiration date OK 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] * server certificate activation date OK 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] * certificate public key: EC/ECDSA 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] * certificate version: #3 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] * subject: CN=r2.cloudflarestorage.com 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] * start date: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 01:44:41 GMT 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] * expire date: Thu, 24 Apr 2025 02:44:38 GMT 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] * issuer: C=US,O=Google Trust Services,CN=WE1 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] > GET /burque-social/ HTTP/1.1 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] > Host: [REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] > User-Agent: s3fs/1.93 (commit hash unknown; GnuTLS(gcrypt)) 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] > Accept: */* 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] > Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=[REDACTED]/20250215/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date, Signature=1bc18957def1353ee30b9a302e4739d1d1d75e495b5448b48d515c9582645434 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] > x-amz-content-sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] > x-amz-date: 20250215T165250Z 2025-02-15T16:52:50.962Z [CURL DBG] > 2025-02-15T16:52:51.239Z [CURL DBG] < HTTP/1.1 200 OK 2025-02-15T16:52:51.239Z [CURL DBG] < Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2025 16:52:51 GMT 2025-02-15T16:52:51.239Z [CURL DBG] < Content-Type: application/xml 2025-02-15T16:52:51.239Z [CURL DBG] < Content-Length: 576 2025-02-15T16:52:51.239Z [CURL DBG] < Connection: keep-alive 2025-02-15T16:52:51.239Z [CURL DBG] < Server: cloudflare 2025-02-15T16:52:51.239Z [CURL DBG] < CF-RAY: 9126cf8ac8e25197-DEN 2025-02-15T16:52:51.239Z [CURL DBG] < 2025-02-15T16:52:51.240Z [CURL DBG] * Connection #0 to host [REDACTED].r2.cloudflarestorage.com left intact