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Als Antwort auf utopiArte

Over here on friendica 2024.12 the audio isn't displayed either.

I had expected that this would be some kind of activityPub convention of transmitting information about if a video or audio format is part of the content.

If I'm not wrong, when posting a mp3 URL like the following, the audio player is displayed right away:
(well, in the preview that's not the case)

Als Antwort auf utopiArte

The views on mastodon of the ways the audio posts are displayed.
The orginal #castopod #podcast publication shows up in the preview as a video with the general podcast cover. If the play button is selected, the window changes into a audio replay option window. No download option,
@bitPickup@cast.tupambae.com itself is set as "prevent copy".
The MP3 audio URL posted in [audio] BBCode brackets by @utopiarte
shows up as a different (black) audio file reproduction window. A download option is displayed.


Als Antwort auf utopiArte

Als Antwort auf Fabio

@Castopod :podcasting2: @utopiArte Mh, quick correction. if the link to the audio file is in an "attachment" property, friendica will show the player. Just as in this post

But from a semantic prospective (acting like I know what it means), the audio file is not attached to the note, but to the episode.

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