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Beiträge, die mit NoMinorFutures getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit NoMinorFutures getaggt sind

The story of Lucas - No Minor Futures

Lucas is a 16 years old who lives in Greece. He loves to play music with the school band. During band rehearsal, Lucas sees his friend is in pain. He tells her there’s a health center for musicians that can help with her posture and pain when playing the flute. They go to the research center. Lucas shows her how AI technology and scanners work. Lucas’ friend is examined by researchers to find how to improve her posture. Next week, Lucas’ friend feels and plays much better, and she thanks him for showing her the research center.

This story was created by Dimitris for No Minor Futures, an educational campaign showcasing the values, wants and needs of children about Artificial Intelligence. NMF was co-created with adolescents and organisations from around the world.

More information about NMF at: jaaklac.org/nominorfutures/

Mozilla Creative Media Awards 2022

The story of Avery - No Minor Futures

Avery is a 12 years old who lives in Ireland. She downloads Instagram to stay in contact with her friends. Avery keeps scrolling through content all day long. She was shocked to see all the violence in the world. She starts to get distracted every day. Avery’s teacher gets worried and calls her mother. They have a serious conversation about Avery’s behavior lately. Together they spend time reviewing the age limits, screen time and deleting unnecessary apps.

This story was created by Prachi for No Minor Futures, an educational campaign showcasing the values, wants and needs of children about Artificial Intelligence. NMF was co-created with adolescents and organisations from around the world.

More information about NMF at: jaaklac.org/nominorfutures/

Mozilla Creative Media Awards 2022

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