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Beiträge, die mit UFOs getaggt sind

Aquí va mi #presentacion :

Me llamo Oscar soy de Soria y de la generación Baby Boomer, soy muy abierto y curioso hacia todos los temas sociales, técnicos y artísticos, usuario de Software Libre (Linux Mint) .

Soy muy #Antipublicidad #Antifascismo #Anticoches #Antideportes #Anticomerciales

Y muy #Conspiranoico #Ovnis #Ufos #Historia #Informatica #FanDeMatrix #CienciaFiccion

Animo a que me sigan quienes tengan intereses similares :ablobcatbongocry: :ablobcatenjoy:

A Twitter post by Prof Jem Bendell ([@]jembendell) asks "Are #aliens going to save us? Should we ask them to?" The post includes an illustration of a green alien figure with its arms raised, set against a background of radiating red and black lines. Below the image, text reads "Busting Assumptions on Aliens and the Fate of Life on Earth," followed by a summary about increased UFO sightings and government disclosures since 2017, and the limitations on public discussion due to stigma. The post is dated January 19, 2025. Hashtags #UFOs and #UAP are also included.

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