A digital painting depicts a futuristic city on an alien planet. The city is situated on a small island in a calm, pinkish body of water. Tall, slender buildings rise from the city, reaching towards a large, pale-orange planet dominating the sky. The sky is a vibrant pinkish-red. Palm-like trees and rocky formations are visible on the shoreline in the foreground. The overall color palette is warm and somewhat muted.
Als Antwort auf This spaceship does not exist • • •A digital painting depicts a futuristic city on an alien planet. The city is situated on a small island in a calm, pinkish body of water. Tall, slender buildings rise from the city, reaching towards a large, pale-orange planet dominating the sky. The sky is a vibrant pinkish-red. Palm-like trees and rocky formations are visible on the shoreline in the foreground. The overall color palette is warm and somewhat muted.
Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini