A screenshot of two tweets from a Twitter account named "Orcbrand - The Friendship Brand". The first tweet says, "it's fucked up how tolerant the racist community is". The second tweet says, "they don't even care what race you are as long as you're being racist". Both tweets feature a profile picture of a cartoonish orc wearing a helmet. The tweets include reply, retweet, like, and share counts. The timestamp on the second tweet is 21:16, December 1st, 2020.
Als Antwort auf Cat • • •A screenshot of two tweets from a Twitter account named "Orcbrand - The Friendship Brand". The first tweet says, "it's fucked up how tolerant the racist community is". The second tweet says, "they don't even care what race you are as long as you're being racist". Both tweets feature a profile picture of a cartoonish orc wearing a helmet. The tweets include reply, retweet, like, and share counts. The timestamp on the second tweet is 21:16, December 1st, 2020.
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