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#IPv6: One more step ahead of our prominent competitors who serve #IPv4-only websites:

If you run your #CICD pipelines in our hosted #WoodpeckerCI, you can now make use of IPv6, too.

Remember: Codeberg is available via IPv6 for years, and this is one more step to full support.

Thank you for your support. Please report any issues, in case they arise.

Als Antwort auf Codeberg.org

Don't mind me, I'm just waiting for my ISP to implement support...

It's only been 14 years since they announced it 😅

Als Antwort auf Codeberg.org

I'm so looking forward to running aiocoap CI there! Given I've maxed the quota of free GitLab time, that'll also be a good time to look at its resource consumption, and to set up regular compensation.
Als Antwort auf Codeberg.org

Even Codeberg Pages supports IPV6! My test curl on my custom domain resolved to the IPV6 address.

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