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I completely missed that one (not paying no mind to all conservative imbeciles) but the guy who regularly post how Hate Speech IS Free Speech, all of a sudden had an issue with it when it was about him....🤣
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Its all good till it happens to them. Just like them murdering people for profit until they get murdered.
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As soon as it's about your own ass, the others are soooo bad....

This double standard makes me sick 🤢

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What I find particularly ridiculous is the fact that some people don't even think of saying “Hey, now I'm getting it, but I'm posting all this, so I have to get it too”

But as is so often the case in real life, it's easier to lash out than to take it ...

But it's really quite good to see someone like that, who then whines when he gets a lot ...

No, no, I'm not laughing maliciously at this man's pain...
Fuck, I was laughing 🤣

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