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In 1993 I told my boss I was bored; needed a new subject. 6 months later she said, “I need to support something called the World Wide Web & Mosaic. Don’t know what it is — check it out.” I came back, “It’s very neat. Won’t last 6 months, but I need something new to do.” Joe Meadows & I brought the web into Boeing (gradually with many others). We joined the W3C early, which now is 30! I am deeply grateful for such luck. Huge congrats to the W3C for decades of important work. @w3c @W30C
Als Antwort auf Annbass

we were *so lucky* to have you as a strong #W3C participant all the years you were involved 👍 Thank you for being a part of the impact W3C and its work has had on people since 1994.

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