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Items tagged with: rankedchoicevoting

We chatted with Alderwoman Julia Ramirez (12th ward) about #RankedChoiceVoting! We have talked with many of Chicago alders in the last month about putting an RCV referendum on Chicago's ballot during the primary election next year!

#Illinois #RCV #Democracy

Jane Ruby, President of the League of Women Voters of Chicago, writes in the @ChicagoTribune: "RCV is [. . .] a transformative reform with the potential to restore faith in the democratic process itself by ensuring that every voice is actually heard and that every ballot is cast for candidates voters believe in."

#Chicago #RankedChoiceVoting #RCV #Democracy #Illinois

Chicago-based orgs: Appear on our website and support pro-democracy reform! Visit to confirm your endorsement!

We're working with Chicago's City Council to hold a referendum in March 2026 to adopt RCV. If passed, voters could use RCV in the 2027 mayoral election! Please contact our Statewide Organizer with any questions!

Find more info about RCV at!

#RankedChoiceVoting #RCV #Illinois #Chicago #Chi #Democracy

Chicago: Ranked choice voting would make our elections more efficient and give voters more choices at the polls. Visit to learn more!

#rankedchoicevoting #chicago #illinois #democracy #rcv

Chicago: Want a more representative Mayor and City Council? Ranked choice voting gives voters more choices by allowing us to rank candidates in order of preference rather than being forced to pick just one.

Sign our petition today at!

Dozens of cities have already adopted ranked choice voting, including major metros like New York City, San Francisco, Oakland, and Portland. Chicago should be next.

#rankedchoicevoting #rcv #democracy #illinois #election #chicago

Honest Abe was talking about ranking candidates back in the 1840s. Don't you think he would like #RankedChoiceVoting today? Visit to get involved with upgrading our democracy. 💪

#RCV #Democracy #Illinois #abrahamlincolnquotes #quotes

Ranked choice voting is already used in over 50 US municipalities, including New York City, San Francisco, Minneapolis, and Portland, Oregon. Chicago should be next! Let's save money and get more choices at the polls.

#Chicago #Illinois #RankedChoiceVoting #RCV #Democracy

"FairVote Illinois is [...] focused on rallying as much support for ranked choice as it can in the hopes it can pressure elected officials into acting." - Chicago Tribune

"'If we get shot down (and) the court keeps shooting it down, we’re still going to keep fighting it.' [. . .] If it ends up that legislative changes are needed to move the needle, 'then we’re gonna fight to get the law changed.'" - Abigail Drumm, policy lead for FairVote Illinois

#Chicago #RankedChoiceVoting #RCV #Democracy

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